It can’t be Half a Century ago?

But time tells me it must be. Where does the time go? Thank you to Sheila for leaving a lovely message for me on here. She spotted herself in the nativity photograph I posted before Christmas. Here it is again:

woodingdean nativity play

Sheila is on the far left. I am third left standing, right.

Sheila recognised herself again in the photo of the violin group:

woodingdean violin group

Sheila is second from left, back row, I am first left, seated

There is another school photograph I have,

woodingdean music group - CopyYou can see me seated on the front row, second right.

And we can see Sheila in the row second from the back, seventh from left, holding her recorder.  She is in between Jennifer Williams and Carole Crossley.

I clearly remember Sheila as a lovely girl, I went to one of her birthday parties which I really enjoyed. She had older sisters, or at least one older sister, which made a great impression on me at that age.

Sheila in the middle

Sheila in the middle

woodingdean music group - Copy (3)

and here is me










So, I would love to say a ‘hello’ to Sheila, and I would love to hear from you again.

About Jackie Dinnis

Welcome to my blog where I am enjoying meeting my family - past and present - one at a time. Join me as I learn who my ancestors were, where they lived, what their occupations were and what everyday life was like for them.
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